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Cloud (Beta)

GenSX Cloud (Beta)

When building complex AI workflows and agents, one of the primary challenges is understanding the result of each step and how workflow steps work together to get the desired outcome (or not!). This is the initial motivation for GenSX Cloud. To make it easier to understand and iterate on complex AI applications and agents.

For now, we’re excited to launch GenSX Cloud with a focus on visibility into your AI workflow executions. In the future, we’re are looking to add caching, remote execution, component libraries, and other capabilities that will further accelerate the time from interesting idea to working application.

Note: While the product is in beta it available to you to try out without any limitations or restrictions. As GenSX Cloud moves out of beta, there will be a generous free tier along with a paid offering that will give you access to additional capabilities and expanded usage limits.

1. Creating an Account & Organization

To create an account and organization in the GenSX console:

  1. Navigate to the sign-up page.
  2. Sign up with your email address. The organization is automatically created based on your email domain.
    • Example: If you sign up with, your organization will be named example.
    • Currently, you cannot rename, delete, or create additional organizations.
  3. You can add additional members to your organization via the Members tab in the GenSX console.
    • Note: during the beta, there are no limits on the number of members you can have but that may change when the beta ends.

2. Setting Up Your Credentials (API Keys)

To generate and use API keys:

  1. Navigate to the API Keys tab in the GenSX console.
  2. Click Create Key to generate a personal API key.
    • This key is currently valid across all organizations you have access to (in the future, keys will be org-specific).
  3. To enable tracing, set the following environment variables in the environment where you’re running utilizing GenSX:
    export GENSX_API_KEY=your_api_key export GENSX_ORG=your_org_name

3. Starting a Workflow

To start a workflow:

  1. Follow the instructions from the GenSX quickstart on how to define and run workflows.
  2. Ensure your API credentials are set up:
    • Use a .env file:
      GENSX_API_KEY=your_api_key GENSX_ORG=your_org_name
    • Or define them via the command line:
      export GENSX_API_KEY=your_api_key export GENSX_ORG=your_org_name
    • Alternatively, set them in your system’s environment variables for persistent access.

4. Viewing Workflow Details & Parameters

To monitor and inspect workflow executions:

  1. Go to the GenSX console.
  2. Navigate to the Workflows tab to view all workflow executions.
  3. When a workflow starts, it will appear in the Workflow Executions list as In Progress (this can take up to a minute).
  4. Click on a workflow to view:
    • Live Execution Details
    • Each Workflow Step
    • Step Inputs & Outputs
    • Nested Child Steps

This allows you to track workflow execution in real-time and which makes debugging and iterating on your workflows a breeze.

Last updated on